It is a great idea to exfoliate your lips by using DIY lip scrub with honey. Here is a simple DIY lip scrub and honey you can make at home. In just five minutes, you can exfoliate dry skin and enjoy soft, kissable lips all day long. This scrub is very helpful in winter, lips remain softer after using this lip scrub which combines exfoliation and moisturisation.

How To Make DIY Easy Lip Scrub Recipe?

You only need a few ingredients to make a DIY lip scrub with honey at home. Sugar and honey are the key ingredients, however, you can add other nourishing ingredients like cocoa powder, strawberries or soothing oils.

Simple DIY Honey Sugar Lip Scrub

Combining honey, sugar, and almond oil will hydrate and exfoliate the dead skin on your lips. While you can use any honey in making the sugar honey lip scrub, it’s better to use raw organic honey that holds nutrients and antioxidants to nourish and help heal the skin. For an easy lip scrub recipe, you need the following ingredients:

  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil

Make a paste by mixing all the ingredients in a small bowl. Apply it to your lips and gently massage using your fingertips for a couple of minutes. Simply rinse your lips with warm water and then apply your regular lip balm. If there is any leftover, you can store it in a small container.

Custom Lip Scrub Formula

There are many ways to make sugar lip scrubs. Sugar is the key ingredient, but there are endless options to add to it based on your preferences and lip needs. You will need a small bowl, a spoon, and some of the ingredients suggested below that are available in your kitchen. Mix all the ingredients and store them in a small container for up to two weeks.

Check out this amazing watermelon lip care scrubber kit.

Custom Honey Lip Scrub Formula Recipe

  • Add one teaspoon of honey

Honey is one of the best skin care natural remedies that can heal your lips. Honey soothes dry, chapped lips by pulling moisture from the air and depositing it into the skin. Additionally, it has a substantial number of antioxidants and nourishing nutrients and has a mild antiseptic effect that speeds the healing process of any skin condition, minor burns or cuts.

  • Add two teaspoons of sugar

For your beauty routine, sugar is not off-limits like it is in your diet. All the ingredients for sugar body scrubs are already in your pantry and It’s cheap and easy to make. As a bonus, sugar is gentle enough to polish sensitive areas like the lips and face. You can make several sugar scrubs from different sugar grain sizes to apply variant levels of exfoliation to your lips according to your needs.

  • Add one teaspoon of carrier oil

Add a little carrier oil to hydrate and moisturise your lips. Because you only need a tiny bit, stick with oil you already have on hand.

Optional Extra Add-Ins

Keeping it simple with honey and sugar gives you great results, but sometimes you want to be a little more experimental. The following ideas will take your scrub to the next level:

  • Adding cinnamon or cayenne to your lip treatment will naturally plump them. To begin, use a little because it is easy to overdo it, resulting in irritated lips.
  • To prevent cracked lips, you can open a vitamin E capsule and incorporate it into the scrub.
  • Cocoa powder will add antioxidants and chocolate flavour to the scrub.
  • Put mashed strawberries in there, and they will polish lips naturally with citric acid and sugar. As a bonus, you will get a dose of vitamin C to combat signs of ageing on your lips. We would not recommend this if you had cracks in your lips because the citric acid will irritate them.
  • If you have a PSL craving (pumpkin spice latte) you can add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice.
  • Add a little vanilla extract to make your scrub extra delicious.

DYI lip scrub with honey

Tips For Using Lip Scrubs

  1. Remove leftover makeup by cleaning your lips.
  2. Apply a small amount of scrub to your fingertips, then gently massage the scrub into the lips.
  3. Use circular strokes to massage your lips, paying attention to rough or flaky areas.
  4. Apply face oil or lip balm to keep moisture locked in the lips.

How To Make Whipped Lip Scrub?


  • ½ cup of coconut oil
  • ¼ cup of pink sugar
  • ¼ cup of sugar
  • 1 drop of red food colouring
  • 5-6 drops of peppermint essential oil

DYI lip scrub


  • Make ¼ cup pink sugar. Mix the sugar with a drop of red food colouring, then mix and place aside.
  • Mix the white sugar with the coconut oil in a medium bowl using a hand mixer. Combine until the paste is smooth.
  • Blend until it is well combined and light.
  • Combine with the pink sugar. This creates a nice two-tone effect in your jar.

Final thoughts:

Be gentle and don’t overdo it and be patient to see the results as the skin needs some time to heal and regenerate. Be consistent in your lip care routine to avoid any lip problems in the future.

Read more:

How to exfoliate lips.

All natural honey scrub.

How to make a honey lip scrub.